Freitag, 4. November 2011

The Boy who

does pillow fights with you
likes to take pictures with you
learns with you
can sit silently without being awkward
plays soccer
has a cute smile
makes cute faces
does't act differently when he's with friends
sings you to sleep
takes you to the cinema
makes pinky promises
walks you home
watchs the sunset with you
likes to travel
texts you good morning
makes you feel beautiful
surprises you
wrestles with you and lets you win
you can talk with for hours
kisses you good night
calls you beautiful
always has fun with you
completes you
whispers something sweet
takes you out
you can trust
cuddles you for no reason
cares for you
hugs and kisses you from behind
will run away with you
makes you happy
makes you cry
will never cheat on you
will always be there for you
accepts your imperfections
plays with your hair
lies with you and forgets the world
texts you first
tells you everything will be okay
is the only one who can break your heart
will never break his promises
kisses you spontaneously
holds your hands
makes you laught
will never let you go
writes you letters
plays an instrument for you
takes you to the beach
lets you lie on his shoulder
kisses you on your forehead
kisses your hands
has dark hair
makes you feel save
will listen to your stories
smells good
wears white v-neck shirts
worries about you
is taller than you are
wants to protect you
can sing
will not hurt you
is funny
can drum well
is awkwardly cute
has a deep voice
smiles when you smile
hooks his fingers around your belt loops to pull you close
makes you laught when you're crying
tilts your chin up to kiss you
has soft hair
changes his shirt in front of you
grabs you by the waist
is ticklish
trusts you
has the perfect body
seems absolutely perfect to you
gives you kisses on the cheek
uses proper grammar
isn't super skinny
loves smelling your hair while you're in his arm
seduces you
playfully fights with you until you kiss him
makes the first move
tells you you're pretty when you're in sweats and no make-up
loves you 

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